“‘Winding down’ does not have to mean ‘less,’ it can also mean ‘different’ because not everything takes energy from us. Sometimes doing things, the right things, replenishes it.”

Not. Everything. Takes. Energy. From. Us.

This piece really hit for me, Graham. Thank you so much for writing and sharing!

I too slowed down quite a bit in 2023, and poured my energy into so many of the things that really matter to me.

The problem was how I felt about it. The shame, the guilt, the anxiety that wouldn’t leave me alone anytime I wasn’t doing something. I go to the gym because it’s one of the few times I can rest from work without my anxiety bullying me every second.

These are the harder changes to make for me, the ones that involve the voices I’ve let live rent-free for decades. There are the things I value, and there are the things my anxiety values and the space between them can be overwhelming, but your piece made me want to stand in the middle of a field and figure out how to cross that divide.

Happy New Year to you.

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Thanks Shawna. I'm glad you found it helpful and I'm grateful for your kind words.

It can be useful to ask yourself, "whose voice is that?" when you are hearing a particularly persistent inner-critic. It isn't yours, but I expect you already know that.

Whilst identifying the origin of the bullying voice is helpful it doesn't necessarily make it shut up, but at least you can look for your own pure voice in amongst the noise.

When you're in the field figuring out how to bridge the gap bear in mind that you and your anxiety both want something good for you (ie peace, or happiness), they just have very different ideas about how to get there.

Happy New Year to you too.

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Brilliant and thought provoking as usual

Thankful for all your words and wish you a happy and healthy new year

Good luck and enjoy your drawing. True escapism x

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